Some common questions we get asked:

What should I wear?
One thing that will quickly become obvious, once you visit a Riverside Service, is there was no need to worry about what to wear. You will see a wide range of attire from very casual to more dressy. Most of us tend to dress on the casual side, but if dressing up is your preference you will fit right in. We invite you to come as you feel comfortable.

When are your services?
Sunday School classes begin at 9 a.m. Our Sunday morning worship service starts at 10:15. Sunday nights we have a discipleship class called Riverside U where we seek to dive deeper into God's Word and interact with one another. Wednesday nights we have opportunities for community groups in area homes and kids and youth activities at the church from 6:30-7:45.

What are the Services like?
Our Worship seeks to lift up Christ and exalt His name. A wide range of music is integrated into the service but is more contemporary in expression while remaining rooted in the historic truth of God's Word. The preaching is expositional - meaning we desire to allow the Bible to speak for itself in its proper context. Verse by verse examination of books of the Bible is the typical preaching method.

What is available for my children?
There are many opportunities for children and youth at Riverside. Sunday School starts at 9 a.m. on Sunday mornings and on Wednesday nights we have kids and youth activities for kids ages 5-18 and childcare from babies to 4 from 6:30-7:45. 

Are you a non-denominational Church?
When it comes to our "identification," it is our foremost desire to be identified with Jesus Christ. It has been our experience that a significant temptation exists for people to become more focused on a denomination than Jesus. However, with that said, we doctrinally line up with the Southern Baptist Convention and we are a part of The Baptist Convention of Alabama.

What makes you distinct?
It is not our desire to seek to be different from other Churches. We do, however, hold to distinct beliefs, which may not be the same as some other Church bodies.

--We believe in a Church leadership comprised of Elders and Deacons. We believe it is through a plurality of elders that a healthy Church can operate. 

--We also believe that the Word of God must be central to everything we do as a Church. It is because of this we seek to be expositional in the way we approach the teaching and preaching of God's Word. 

--We are a Church that desires to teach and practice grace. It has been our experience, here in the "Bible-Belt," that many times we misunderstand what the Scripture teaches about grace. Grace is so much more than that which is received in our "justification"- when we become believers in Christ and His work - but is also the guiding principal of our lives. We must constantly look to Jesus, experiencing His power and work in everything.