At Riverside we believe the Church is called to equip the saints for the work of the ministry. It is our belief that as God begins to grow people through the teaching of His Word and discipleship in the local Church, that He will give people the burden and desire to share their faith. In this sense, evangelism is not primarily a "program" of the local Church, but a consequence of an individual's walk, yielded and submitted before His Word. As this begins to take place, the body of Christ has unique and distinct opportunities for domestic ministry - whether this is at work, school, community activities, or neighborhood friendships. We also desire, as a local Church Body, to look for and pray for opportunities where we can minister as a Church family corporately. As the Elders of Riverside have prayed concerning God's direction for 2025, we are excited to explore the unique and specific opportunities we believe God is raising up for our body to minister to the community around us.